Just then, they hear a strange noise. It sounded like glass shattering. As they looked around to find the source of the sound, they suddenly realized that it was glass bug moving!
Wait a minute Dixie said to Pixie. There's more than one, there's a whole family of bugs in this looking glass. Look!!! There starting to move everywhere!
The frogs came to soon. The frogs were sticking there tongues at the butterfly's. All was eaten but the queen!The frogs hoped away saying"Thank you for dinner!
Pixie and Dixie found some cocoons in the garden. Could it be a new family of butterflies soon to come out. Oh they just couldn't wait to tell the Queen butterfly of their findings.
In the spring we will have million of new butterflies. It's so exciting! I can't wait to see the new butterflies with all the beautiful colors. Their wings stretch out so far allowing us to see all the colors and designs.
A huge bug!The size of a living room!It was seventeen feet tall.
As they peered at the gigantic bug, Dixie and Pixie thought, "this is the best looking glass ever."
Just then, they hear a strange noise. It sounded like glass shattering. As they looked around to find the source of the sound, they suddenly realized that it was glass bug moving!
I told you we shouldn't of bought a new magnifying glass!Um, look at the bug!
Wait a minute Dixie said to Pixie. There's more than one, there's a whole family of bugs in this looking glass. Look!!! There starting to move everywhere!
The shiny bugs crawled off one another. Instead of one gigantic glass bug, there were a dozen smaller ones.
The were multiplying. In a few Seconds there were thousand of tiny shiny bugs.
OH! Look they are changing into butterflies. Butterflies are everywhere and in every color and shape. It's so beautiful.
The butterflies circled around Dixie and Pixie in a cyclone of wings.
So many noses was in the room.But Dixie heard a even bigger noes.She saw all the butterfly's queen! It was so big Dixie and Pixie could ride it!
"Climb on." The Queen Butterfly told the girls.
Dixie and Pixie new they were dreaming. So Pixie got her bag and saw...Frog food!So she dropped some pebbles.
"Oh, no! Not frog food!" The Queen exclaimed. "Now they will come and eat us."
The frogs came to soon. The frogs were sticking there tongues at the butterfly's. All was eaten but the queen!The frogs hoped away saying"Thank you for dinner!
The Queen cried hysterically. "What will I do now?"
Dixie and Pixie felt bad for her. so They found a few more butterflies and sent the butterflies to the queen.
Pixie and Dixie found some cocoons in the garden. Could it be a new family of butterflies soon to come out. Oh they just couldn't wait to tell the Queen butterfly of their findings.
"How exiting this is!"Pixie shouted.
"We must tell the queen right away!" Dixie exclaimed.
Ware is she? Pixie asked. She might have flown away. Pixie worried.
The queen would never leave without a family. Said Dixie sadly. Probably. Dixie whispered to her self.
Oh, look there she is on the leaves in the tree. You could see relief on Pixie and Dixie faces when they seen her.
We have something to show you! They said at the same time. The queen looked up at Dixie and Pixie.
The queen butterfly came over and sat on the shoulder of Pixie. What is it you both are so excited about?
We brought you something! They both said with a smirk.
Come follow us we have something exciting to show you. We know it's going make you happy.
...YAY! They both :D smiled. Thank you! The queen said.
In the spring we will have million of new butterflies. It's so exciting! I can't wait to see the new butterflies with all the beautiful colors. Their wings stretch out so far allowing us to see all the colors and designs.
It will be amazing! Said the queen.
Dixie got out a envelope and gave it to the queen. Thank you! Said the queen.
Pixie said, to Dixie what is in the envelopes?
"Um, remember the 700000 flowers we collected when we were little and we didn't know what to do with them?" Dixie said.
Yeah...? Well I though maybe the queen would know what to do with them. After all she's very wise and she loves that kind of stuff... "right"?
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