Fully developed I looked into the mirror. Human head, goat legs, wings, a tail, lots of hair, and two arms... what am I? Just then another creature walked in. An adult I assumed, as she was much larger than me. What am I, I asked.
I don't need a mirror, I must be content with my self so I can do what I was put here to do! God created me and has a work for me. Now what is that work....encourage, help others, love??
I wandered off, and went up the hill and down in the meadow, I couldn't believe my eyes...there in the meadow were were...I just can't believe it...They look just like ME!!
I looked in the miror that wright in front of me and, saw a human head.Good.But goat legs.A sentar!
No. I coulnd't be. A centaur is half horse(not half goat), and besides that, I had wings! And centaurs don't have wings.
I had a tail,and hair.
And as I began to grow up, I developed a tail! Wow, I think I'm a strange creature.. But, I think I like me.
I even grew two arms!
Fully developed I looked into the mirror. Human head, goat legs, wings, a tail, lots of hair, and two arms... what am I? Just then another creature walked in. An adult I assumed, as she was much larger than me. What am I, I asked.
The adult made a curious look, and said "I...I cant tell."
Then the grown up continued on walking, and whispered to herself.
What an amazing creature.
I was an amazing creature! That was good news, but I still had no clue WHAT I was.
I knew that there was only one place were I could find out what I am.I would have to go to the...
Bathroom! But when I looked around, there were no mirrors.
I don't need a mirror, I must be content with my self so I can do what I was put here to do! God created me and has a work for me. Now what is that work....encourage, help others, love??
Maybe I could help someone or something and they would be brave enough to tell me what I am.
What am I? I am Loving, Kind, Courageous, Encouraging and Happy to be here!
I just can't think of a way to find out what I am.
I wandered off, and went up the hill and down in the meadow, I couldn't believe my eyes...there in the meadow were were...I just can't believe it...They look just like ME!!
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