For this challenge, scroll to the bottom of the blog and locate the Word of the Day gadget. Then come back here and see if you can use the word in a sentence. (No one is grading you, so just give it your best shot!)
As I sat at the park gazing over the crystal blue waters of the pond, something near the shore line seemed to coruscate with such radiance it caught my attention.
Standing at the corner of Thistledown, a quite little street on the edge of town, I enjoyed the way the streetlamps light refracted beautifully through the crepuscular of the evening and illuminated my view of the babbling brook across the way.
Sandy was so tristful as she realized her vacation was coming to an close. It would likely be another year before she was back, enjoying the splendor of the great outdoors with her family. Being with then always filled her heart with joy and delight. She couldn't imagine not having these special times together with her family... God has been so gracious!
This sentence is laconic.
Viand was originally my order of choice but, after seeing the price, I ordered spaghetti.
Barney is antediluvian.
Stone Henge and the Pyramids are both antediluvian.
olympus is antediluvian.
As I sat at the park gazing over the crystal blue waters of the pond, something near the shore line seemed to coruscate with such radiance it caught my attention.
Lira's dress coruscates.
Standing at the corner of Thistledown, a quite little street on the edge of town, I enjoyed the way the streetlamps light refracted beautifully through the crepuscular of the evening and illuminated my view of the babbling brook across the way.
A good editor will parse your writing.
Trepidation filled Sheila as she climbed onto the stage.
With much trepidation, Nancy climes the tall, narrow ladder as she prepares for her first 130' high dive.
The kitten caterwauled when I stepped on its paw.
I jumped in the dark as an owl caterwaul in the tree.
Moue-a pouting grimace.
Her moue wrinkled her forhead and nose into an unattractive, prune-like appearance.
My sister was angy at me so, she made a moue.
After Lona excepted Christ he experienced palingensis.
Sandy was so tristful as she realized her vacation was coming to an close. It would likely be another year before she was back, enjoying the splendor of the great outdoors with her family. Being with then always filled her heart with joy and delight. She couldn't imagine not having these special times together with her family... God has been so gracious!
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